Jeg synes bestemt, at påsken ikke behøver at være i gule farver. Ligesom påsken i år: den er faldet tidligt i år og lysebrune træer står stadigvæk uden blade og himlen er lys og blå... ligesom farverne i denne kollektion.
Actually I am not sure if makeower uk has designed this collection for easter, but it has chicken and eggs, the classical easter attributes.
Fabric is in delicate and calm blue and brown nuances with a warm red accent. It includes fabric with chicken motives, eggs (that are definetely not chicken eggs, but quial) and feathers (unknown origin). Somehow this fabric fits so well into easter mood: the easter has fallen early this year and the threes are still without leaves and the sky is clean - just like the colours from the collection.
Fabric: makeover uk (The Henley Studio),
collection "Chicken & Egg" from 2014